The Core Inspiration
BIUDESIGN 是一個原創字 BIU + design,源自電影《最後的美麗 *Biutiful》,帶有即使身處困境,也能在微小的瞬間中找到希望與美好的訊息,因而成為品牌創立初期面對挑戰時的重要靈感鼓舞。小美事(Biutiful / Beautiful Little Things)是從對生活中微小事物的發現與探索,汲取靈感的日常提醒,透過內容與設計,串聯生活中的美好,傳遞創意與靈感的價值。
*片名源於導演對西班牙語者發音的模仿,將英文單詞 Beautiful 拼寫成 B-i-u-t-i-f-u-l。片中以不完美卻真實的方式,描繪人性在掙扎中的光輝與溫暖。
*片名源於導演對西班牙語者發音的模仿,將英文單詞 Beautiful 拼寫成 B-i-u-t-i-f-u-l。片中以不完美卻真實的方式,描繪人性在掙扎中的光輝與溫暖。
BIUSEIGN & Co. 小美事創意的核心精神是透過策略與美感設計,打造深化質感的品牌溝通,賦予每一個細節長遠的價值。從文字內容到視覺設計,綜合品牌策略與執行,並因應小型企業品牌客戶、組織需求,客製化提供文案指導與創意諮詢服務。成果導向設計方法,建立具辨識度的品牌基礎,與真實可見的影響。
BIUDESIGN & Co. believes that good design starts with good intentions. Committed to excellence and driven by aesthetics, this creative space aims to make its clients stand out. To build real connections and lasting value, BIUDESIGN & Co. guides each project with strong problem-solving skills.
Marking its decade in 2024, Claire Lin leads the art direction and serves as the primary contact for every project. Her focus is on providing personalized service, exceptional attention to detail, and achieving meaningful and sustainable outcomes.

Book Design 書籍設計 | Brand 品牌設計 | Logo & Identity 商標識別 | Digital Works 數位溝通

Founder of BIUDESIGN & Co.
林 曉 郁 Claire Lin
Claire Lin studied Visual Communication at Pratt Institute in New York. After collaborating with major publication groups, she returned to Taipei. A versatile graphic designer, she wears many hats – consultant, writer, editor, illustrator, and photographer. Her strength lies in capturing essence, shaping thoughtful designs. Aesthetics and quality guide her design philosophy.
經歷 Experience & Expertise/
小美事創意|策略設計顧問 Design Consultant @ BIUDESIGN & Co.
喜事國際時尚集團|設計總監 Design Director @ MSYAMING Fashion Group
沛報國際|美術指導 Art Director @ AANGEL & PPAPER magazines
紐約Fairchild出版集團|行銷設計師 Marketing communication Designer @ Fairchild Publication NewYork
小美事創意|策略設計顧問 Design Consultant @ BIUDESIGN & Co.
喜事國際時尚集團|設計總監 Design Director @ MSYAMING Fashion Group
沛報國際|美術指導 Art Director @ AANGEL & PPAPER magazines
紐約Fairchild出版集團|行銷設計師 Marketing communication Designer @ Fairchild Publication NewYork
紐約普瑞特藝術學院|視覺溝通設計碩士 Master of Science in Communications Design @ Pratt Institute